Blogs to help you & your small business grow

I’m passionate about helping creative women to grow and develop in their lives, their businesses, and their confidence. That’s why, in every single blog post, you’ll find helpful strategies to help you do just that. I want to help as many women as possible, no matter their budget, and that’s why every blog post packs such a punch - so I can reach as many people as possible.

Laura x

you cannot be brilliant at everything all of the time

And so, here is my message to you (and it goes well beyond the housework:) you, you beautiful, overachieving, inspirational, tired woman: you cannot be brilliant at everything all of the time. Here's how to make that happen and still feel ok:

1. Do less. Make a list of all the processes in your business or home life: what absolutely HAS to be done to ensure it keeps running? Do that (and no more).

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The sphere of influence

Now I'm out the other side, it's given me an opportunity to reflect on what is in my control and what isn't. This is where the sphere of influence is such a useful exercise (I’ve made you a very simple document to use): to establish what you might be able to influence, those things which you allow yourself to accept and move on from, and those things you might want to get excited about and start to control more actively (yes we are allowed to control things!)

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The conditions we need to succeed in business

Creating, making, making connections with others, showing up, it all requires effort.

Of course there are times when we can do some things more easily than others (see my obsession with seasonal and cyclical living). But we can’t organise all of our work entirely around cyclical living - sometimes we have deadlines or pressures that have to be met.

Today, let's explore the significance of creating ideal conditions for our work and what it takes to achieve them.

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