The Key Cards: 90 energy-enhancing, inspirational prompts, tasks and affirmation cards for time management, business confidence and productivity. Never have to have that "where do I start" feeling again: enjoy having your very own coach, mentor and cheerleader in your pocket.
About The Key Cards:
This premium quality, glossy pack of cards, in a stunning gold-foil box, will ensure you make the most of your precious time and energy, so you can truly enjoy working on that business, passion-project or creative process you love. Bring more balance, clarity, productivity and positivity into your life, without compromising your own energy and wellbeing.
Each card is designed to maximise your energy and minimise your toil, and with suggested time-limits you can fit a card into your day with ease.
The Key Cards are unique in that every task and prompt is matched to a suggested time limit and energetic level.
• Sage (In Bud): 20 cards to encourage creativity, set new intentions, invite new ideas in and explore things that at other points could feel too scary or overwhelming. Your energy is building and you are preparing to bloom. Experiment, evolve and explore.
• Meadow (Full Bloom:) 20 cards to make the most of your endless energy. Draw customers and clients in, make "it" happen, know that anything is possible and go for it! Now is the time for clarity, focus and action.
• Amber (Culminate): 20 cards to support you in tying up the loose ends, finishing off sub-projects and tasks, tidying up, sorting out and getting ready to rest. Use this time to check in with how each facet of your life is balanced, where your priorities need to be in the next few weeks and what can be moved from "to do" to "done."
• Navy (Renew): 20 cards that encourage easy-to-complete tasks, rest, reflection and things that require little effort or visibility from you. Now is not the time for big decisions; rather you can allow yourself to pause, to journal and to renew your energy levels.
• Click on the image below to get all the details and order your own pack!