Blogs to help you & your small business grow
I’m passionate about helping creative women to grow and develop in their lives, their businesses, and their confidence. That’s why, in every single blog post, you’ll find helpful strategies to help you do just that. I want to help as many women as possible, no matter their budget, and that’s why every blog post packs such a punch - so I can reach as many people as possible.
Laura x
New moon energy
What do you think about this?
Whether or not you subscribe to the idea that our energy is dictated by the moon, on Sunday 10th March there is a new moon. This is how you might be feeling:
like you just need to let that s*** go (that's how I feel) - via a big bath and a cry (that's me), a dance in the kitchen, a run, a massive journalling session...
Chasing Dreams and Proving Doubters Wrong
When I finished at university and was starting my PGCE, I knew I wanted to sing professionally alongside music teaching. I was so excited to become a teacher, and knew I had to much to offer, but I’d got used to singing every day, and was determined that this skill should continue to be part of my every day life.